Friday, July 10, 2015

Get Creative to stay creative!

I've always loved the quote "You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have" by Maya Angelou (I actually like MANY things she has said!).  These words of wisdom are so very true.  Have you ever thought about how creative you were as a child?  When did you stop using your creative mind?  I watch my 11 year old daughter, draw, paint, loom, crochet and I think to myself "This girl is gonna blow me out of the water some day with her creativity and artistic talent!!"  I want her to keep learning, keep creating, keep that creative mind flowing!  I do all I can to nurture her artistic talents, I encourage her and support her and teach her.  I can't wait to see what wonderful works of art she creates.  I truly believe, the more you use your creative mind, the better and better you'll become.  So, keep creating!  Pick up that camera, pencil, pen, marker, paint brush, chalk, crochet hook, sewing needle or whatever it is that you enjoy and don't ever stop. 

I’ve found that I come up with more creative ideas after I start my creative work.  If I sit and try and think of something creative to do, nothing will come of it.  If I just start working, it just happens and the more I do, the more creative ideas I come up with!  "The more you use, the more you have".  The act of being creative will bring more creativity.

Happy Creating!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Original Art

What kind of art do you have in your house?  Have you thought about having a few pieces of original art in your home?  It's surprisingly affordable and in some cases FREE!  One of my favorite pieces in my home is an original drawing by my daughter when she was five years old.  When she brought it home from school I knew right away I had to frame it and hang it proudly.  Those wonderful works of art your children bring home from school or childcare don't have to sit in a memory box to look at 20 years from now.  Purchase a nice gallery type frame for her/his art or go a step further and have it custom framed.  Either way you have a wonderful piece or original art in your home and bonus ~ your little one is proud to have their artwork displayed as "real art" in their home.